Pirbright Institute - BBSRC National Vaccinology Centre: The Jenner Building
Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Avian Diseases
On 11 April 2015, a new joint China-United Kingdom International Centre for Research on Avian Diseases (CERAD) was officially opened at a ceremony in Binzhou, China.
The joint centre, funded by the BBSRC-Newton Fund, aim to bring the avian researchers at The Pirbright Institute and the Shandong Binzhou Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Academy in China together to create a virtual Research Institute with state-of-the-art laboratory capability.
Previous CERAD Meetings
Under the umbrella of CERAD, following successful meetings have been held:
Inaugural meeting of the UK China CERAD & Symposium on Recent Advances in Avian Disease Research at Binzhou Lvdu Hotel, Binzhou, China 11 - 12 April 2015.
Second Sino-British Symposium on Recent Advances in Avian disease Research at the LVDU International Hotel, Binzhou, China 26 - 28 March 2016
Third Sino-British Symposium on Recent Advances in Avian disease Research at the Harbout Hotel, Guildford, UK 31 August - 1 September 2017
Fourth Sino-British Symposium on Recent Advances in Avian Disease Research at the Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute 3 - 5 August 2018
Shandong Binzhou Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine Academy
2018 Sino-British Symposium on Recent Advances in Avian Disease Research at the Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute 3 - 5 August 2018
Main Topics:
Molecular Evolution & Epidemiology of avian pathogens
Host-pathogen interactions in pathogenesis
Avian immune response to diseases and vaccines
Exploiting avian genomics to control avian diseases
New approaches in diagnosis of avian diseases
New trends in vaccine development against avian diseases
Opportunities for collaboration for innovations in avian disease research
We are sure that you will appreciate the scientific report presentations, the opportunity to exchange ideas with us, as well as enjoying the development of Shanghai city culture.
Please save mark your calendar now and join us in Shanghai we look forward to welcoming you.
For further information please contact:
E-mail: sunyingjie@shvri.ac.cn
E-mail: vetchj@shvri.ac.cn
Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science
The new UK Immunological Toolbox website is now live!
Pirbright poultry disease scientist nominated for Newton Prize
CERAD Bulletin Board
The CERAD Bulletin Board provides a forum to members to send in any items e.g. funding, queries, opportunities that might of interest to others using the website.